Sunset at Windy Point

The couple on the left of my photo were just 2 of the large crowd of people at Windy Point, witnessing this intense sunset tonight. Most of them were standing beside us, jostling elbow to elbow at this popular lookout point. That guard rail at the bottom is on the edge of a drop!

It's straight from the camera with no extra processing, just a small crop.

Much better in LARGE.

Most of us tend to take sunsets, and sunset and sunrise times for granted. However sunrise and sunset times were originally provided as a means of establishing when vehicle lights should be turned on. The published sunrise and sunset times are intended for general public information only.

Sunrise and Sunset times are checked using:
Geoscience of Australia web site, and
The United States Navy.
These published times are computed and are not observed or recorded events. The computations assume certain ideal conditions and the data might not be relevant to the facts.

The times of sunrise and sunset are the instant the upper edge of the sun appears to lie on the horizon for an observer at sea level. Just thought you might like to know!

Please also check out Paladian's sunset tonight.

This blip is my entry in Lenna's Sunday Skies.

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