Product IV

I have no idea why I woke up so early but I have a theory that it involves not cycling. See, I don't go into work on a Friday (working from home, y'know) so there's no cycling and then on saturday there wasn't either - just all that hunching over a sewing machine and making bread and all the other stuff I mentioned yesterday. So while it wasn't inactive, it wasn't truly tiring. So even going to bed at whenever it was, after catching up on the topical "satire", meant that by 8 it was time to get up.

More stuff done. The last of the canvas buckets made. I'd thoroughly recommend them. It's truly liberating to be able to just pick up annoying little bits of Lego and toss them in. I don't even have to think about who it belongs to. Put it in Ewan's or Ellen's and let them worry about it. The kitchen table is clear. It's a miracle. Of course you don't have to make a canvas bucket. A plastic crate or cardboard box would do (although it would look shit).

Bottled these little babies. These are the ones that got all the flavour when Product III was made and it's had an extra week soaking the hops so even just out the barrel it tasted great. Not that I'd make a habit of having beer for breakfast. Oh no.

Right. Must get back to the ginger beer. I promised the weans ginger beer for Christmas. Brews for a couple of days in a closed bottle, presumably to force the C02 to carbonate it. I have a plan - make a gallon and after a couple of days, when's it got a little bit of fizz but barely any alcohol, bottle some for them. Then swap the cap for an airlock and let it ferment a bit. Should be like that Crabbies stuff but not so cloyingly horrible and sweet. And then I'll make another batch with a little bit of chilli in it, although when it was boiling, I had a notion that a bit of mint would be nice.

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