
Meet Anto. Anto Morra. I first met Anto at the Swaffham Free Festival this summer when one of our mutual friends asked me if I would take some photos of Anto when he was on stage. Happy to oblige. Anto loved the photos and since then I've been to a couple of his gigs and enjoyed them immensely.

This afternoon he did a lovely Yuletide gig at Take5. And as an added bonus I met a woman I used to sing with with Voice Project. She sings with a band called the Doohickies and they are going to be busking in the city centre on Christmas Eve morning so I've said I'll nip down and do some pics for them.

After the gig Roland and I stayed at Take5 for their end of year staff drinks (early, I know) and enjoyed good food - each person was asked to bring a dish to share which meant we had some lovely, interesting food from all over the world - good drinks and the company of good friends. The age range was wide: from 7 months to over 60.

Now that's what I call Christmas.

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