Hat Back

We had some stuff to do in Inverness today. The car had a recall and needed to be serviced. We took the opportunity to do some final bits and pieces around a very busy town centre. In addition I had the chance to deliver some of our corporate calendars to offices around the town.

It’s funny how time flies. The last of the above deliveries was to an office on the outskirts of Inverness on the way home. Once a regular client I hadn’t heard from them in a while. I realised my last work for them was at their office, where I had done some 3D cad and volumetric work on a proposed hill track. It was in January 2011 and it dawned in me that I left my wooly hat there on that last visit and never dropped back in while passing to retrieve it.
I gingerly tapped on the office door and E rose from his desk and his first words were, “Hi Stuart, you left your hat last time” and lifted it from a shelf and handed it back to me.
We had a good blether and a bit of a laugh that one of his colleagues had taken part in a television advertisement for a well known Scottish bank. His sentences being delivered to the camera –praising the quality of service from the bank- on one of the company’s more elevated Highland sites before he jumped in to his Land Rover and disappeared in to the horizon.
As it turned out much of their workload is well down south hence their recent lack of contact. I returned to the car –hat in hand- a bit sheepishly explaining to M and the boys that I had been chatting with E. I had left them thinking I was just going to push the envelope under the door.
In the city centre part of the day we had a brilliant lunch at the Mustard Seed and the image is Mrs Cakes at the lovely restaurant.

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