
By EvelyneNC

Diamond Deer

There are three of them, sparkling in the sun. Had I tried to show all three, the sparkle would have disappeared...(nice in large)
Another gorgeous day with a blue sky so light and high that you involuntarily look up to the mountains, where the snow glitters. In town, more down to the ground, the warm sun (50 degrees F today) is melting the last patches of snow away rapidly. I obviously wanted to torture myself today, as I drove to the big consumer temples, Costco and Macy's. The drive in itself was horror, must not have done this for years. So much waiting, so much stop and go...And in neither one of the stores I found what I was looking for. So, I returned home, took a picture of the glittering deer that have been tempting me already a little while and am going to take it easy!
Ha, now it is only one more sleep for me, and then I will be holding my new baby (the new camera) in my hands....

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