Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

The Choir Singer

Today’s blip was inspired by blipper ‘Im indoors 17 Dec 2013. Although I have gone for the humorous angle, I thought the original blip was moving and it got me thinking.

In fact, I think about this young lady fairly often and as I was musing today’s text at 01:30am, an ugly toad crossed my path. Sometimes you have to turn down what fate and the blip monster offers you. Although a dragon might not be considered suitable material, the dragon is a thing of beauty in my eyes.

I am reminded of a time as a young teenager, I was in serious lust, I was totally besotted by this lass who lived across the way. Dawn sang in the third row of the church choir with her angel face. The last Sunday of every month was church parade day and I always made sure I had a pew with a view.

Two days a week, she would walk passed my house, on the way to her part time job, serving pies at the local fish-n-chip shop, where I dined daily, because her work days varied.

It never occurred to me that what I was doing could be construed as stalking or premeditated voyeurism. The infatuation was total and overwhelming. I confided my problem with a close friend, who replied, “You’re joking – right”.

It seemed like no time at all before she was married to a greasy mechanic, dragging four kids passed my house, representing the county in the national pie eating contest and ballooned to 18 stone.

Hallucinogenic hormones I reckon, but still angry with myself for not having the sphericals to do anything about the situation. Some might say a lucky escape, but if I ever found out that she was once again single, I would ask her for a date in a flash. The 18st and pie contest are fiction for your entertainment of course, but the rest is true enough.


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