Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

The Grinch

and her friend in a Santa suit.

Only one sleep till Xmas and I think we are better prepared than ever so we may actually get to spend Xmas eve evening together. Normally, the ladies hide themselves away in the bedrooms wrapping presents. This year they have got that all out of the way much earlier. Mind you, based on the amount of time they have spent supposedly wrapping presents, they must have brought most of the contents of the Amazon warehouse. Highly unlikely I suspect. I should check under the bed. I bet I would find empty wine bottles and mince pie boxes.

Off to town today. I have to buy one tat present and one desirable present for a game that Diana has planned for Xmas day, oh and a Xmas card for Di. My life won't be worth living if I forget that.

A big shout out to Rosina and Simon In Oz for whom Xmas day is going to come 11 hours earlier. Have a great one and we will talk to you on Skype on Xmas morning.

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