Nick Doohickie

Cycled into the city this morning to buy some nice bread off the market and swung by to listen to The Doohickies busking outside the old Habitat store. I've recently become aware of them through Anto (who has featured in previous blip entries) and it turns out that not only have I sung with Polly Doohickie with Voice Project but - as I discovered this morning - also Nick Doohickie, who we see here. He's not warming his hands, he's playing mouth organ.

(edit): I have since learned his name is Pete ....

Readers of my Blip journal entry for yesterday may be interested in the following response which the licencees of the Kings Bar posted on Facebook. It has certainly lifted my spirits:

".... have been amazed by the level of support we have felt in our new home. This experience can only make us all better. It's not the bad things that happen to you it's how you cope afterwards that makes you as a person. I am hurt, yes. But the sadness and anger that I feel is reserved only for those men. Sad because imagine that's you and all you have in your life is to be a pathetic bully. Angry because because someone would be so arrogant and disrespectful that the civil contract we all share by the nature of our society, could be shredded merely for the reason that someone is different to you.

I moved to the UK when I was 11 years old and I love this country and this county with a passion and none of us should let this become a reflection of this our truly fine city. You need look no further than Davie and my Facebook pages to see the outrage and empathy that has been out poured on the last 24 hours.

This not a gay community issue. This is a community issue. Finally we cannot express our gratitude to all of you enough. We wish you all a merry Yule tide and wish you all an enlightened and civilised new year. You Are Kings..."

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