Christmas Cheer courtesy of @Tomatin1897

One of my best discoveries of 2013 was at the Whisky Fringe when I tried my first dram of the day. The previous years event had introduced me to Tomatin Distillery where I had the pleasure of trying the 35 year old single malt that was voted the Dram of the Fringe, however the price tag made it a whisky I'd only ever sample and never own. When I went to the stand I was offered a single malt which didn't have an age as it is a vatted whisky containing spirit from both bourbon casks as well as virgin oak - my instant reaction was YUM! Even better still it retails around £25 a bottle so it's great as a day to day whisky.

The only problem is that it's so damn popular and when I was looking for a Christmas bottle (yes, on the 23rd of December) I couldn't find one anywhere. However, thanks to the Master of Malt website I was able to find a bottle and unbelievably it was delivered by 3 o'clock on Christmas Eve - great work MoM and Interlink Parcel deliveries!

Have a great Christmas Eve and hopefully Santa is going to be very good to you in the morning!

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