
By olib


I make no apology for blipping this fellow again so soon, because the unexpected sun this morning cast such a wonderful shadow! But being Christmastide, the season of puzzles and conundrums in the papers, there are two in the photo.
1. What is my next model going to be? (easy)
2. What was the label at the top originally attached to in an art exhibition? (very difficult - hint: it wasn't the picture that you can just see the bottom of here, which is American Gothic by Grant Wood, and which I hung there to keep a puritanical eye on me so that I got on with my work instead of messing about; but now that I've retired, of course messing about is redefined as work. No it wasn't that. It was an article of Cath's, I'll tell you that, and she hung it in a local art club exhibition, the same exhibition in which I hung a picture priced at £23,000 that nobody bought. Well, it was worth a try, wasn't it?)

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