Merry CHRISTmas

A quick blip. I have things I need to do...AND Lisa has things she wants me to do.

I took a solitary walk around the gym, and then tried to go out and take a few pictures. BUT...IT WAS 12F OUT. HOW LONG CAN YOU STAY OUT WHEN IT'S 12 DEGREES OUT?

The only good thing is that we finally get to see the sun...after it has been absent for several days. It literally lit up the ice-ladened trees. I put a few shots of the sparkly show on my FLICKR PAGE, along with some shots of the damage in my back yard.

I'm off to chop up some broccoli. A CHRISTmas Eve service at church at 5 p.m., followed by a get together for Lisa's side of the family.

Merry CHRISTmas to all...and to all a good night.

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