Dashing Home For Christmas

Casey Jones steamin and a rollin well na it's actually Youngie making the mad dash hoping for a clear run this was on my trip to Newcastle before working the last XC service back to Edinburgh and I took my Giga T II Pro remote/time lapse to set up on my camera before leaving Edinburgh and set it to quietly click away in the corner of the window for 60 minutes taking shots every five minutes then checking what looked nice when I got to Newcastle , as the rain came later in the journey they shots were naff but this was the one I liked best as I came sweeping round the curve at Grantshouse where you have another three lines two loops and the down line on my next right and it was chucking it down with rain at Newcastle but I was starving and headed to the chip shop for a battered sausage supper to take away the grumbling in my stomach then a clear run back up the road to Edinburgh then down to the depot and then drive back home and finally jumped into bed at 23:54 just in time for Sanata hopefully hope you all have a good Christmas when it comes now then movie for the day is Christmas Rush 2002" See Ya

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