Farewell Blip

As apparent as it has been for the past few months, my blip journey is well and truly over and I feel that I need to say a proper goodbye to you lovely lot. I really wanted to make it to 730, but it's just not going to happen.

You have inspired me beyond belief and it saddens me to have to admit that there really is no room for 'serious' or frequent photography in my life at the moment. All I can say is that I hope that I will be back one day and still look back on my blipdays very fondly. There is no other way that I could end my journey other than with a photo of little miss (who really isn't so little anymore, 7 in a month!) which was how I started all those blips ago.

If anyone fancies saying hello at any point, there are a couple of links on my biography page so feel free, it would be nice to hear from you. Who knows, I might just pop in to check how you are doing at some point

Thanks you all again. You're a talented bunch and it's been fantastic to blip with so many of you over the past couple of years. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic 2014.
Nita xx

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