
By kas18

Boxing Day Hunt

Had a nice walk with the dogs up to the local pub this morning where the Boxing Day hunt gathers before it takes off. It's quite a big event. Always a few hundred people about and lots of dogs as well. Luckily it was quite a beautiful morning.

The local pub called The Horse and Groom supply hot drinks and bacon and sausage rolls as well as the usual on Boxing Day.

There is always a very happy atmosphere and it's a nice place to meet up with friends and neighbours.

As soon as it took off we had a brisk walk back to start the preparation for today's dinner. Not much to do as it's mainly left overs with lots of mashed potato.

I have a houseful today watching the football, drinking, eating, chilling out....everyone is happy :) x

Ps. Don't panic no foxes are harmed!

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