South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Boxing Day at Dad's

Went over early this morning to see Dad - needed to set off soon after 9 as Fontwell Boxing Day racing was on today. We drove on the A259 through Bognor in case any traffic was building up on the A27. It was the quietest that we've ever seen it - were able to enjoy the country views without being in nose to tail traffic. Obviously it was a bit too early for most people.....;-)

We had a good day with Dad today - a simple lunch of mashed potato and cold leftover chicken from yesterday (which was gorgeous) and beetroot, followed by delicious luxury Christmas pudding which he'd bought. I couldn't face any pud yesterday as I found the main course too filling. We went out for a walk after lunch yesterday, but I still couldn't face it later in the afternoon!

We watched the Andre Rieu "Christmas at Home" programme this afternoon. It was very over the top Christmassy - I normally enjoy his programmes, but this was just too cheesy! The music was lovely as always though.

We came home early evening soon after tea (when half this cake was eaten!) as Dad was concerned that the coming storm front might catch us. It was still starry all the way home though. I don't think they really know what time it's arriving, but we're due to have 70 mph winds again. Stuart had to make my Dad's old fence safe this afternoon as half of it had blown over in the last storm. Still, we're very fortunate in having no flooding and no loss of power unlike thousands in the south.

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