Life Uncommon

By lifeuncommon


This morning E began a parks & rec soccer class for 3 & 4 year olds. This is not a great photo, but the lighting was difficult in the gym, plus I like the blur of his movement and his obvious concentration.

The first ten minutes were a bit painful for both of us, as he only wanted to stand on the sidelines and watch. He had been excitedly talking about "going to soccer class" for several days and showed zero reluctance . . . until we arrived. I think the nervousness of a new environment collided with his slow-to-warm temperament. I tried to balance empathy with encouragement, and to ignore my own wringing heart, which was alternating between feeling sadness for the moment - knowing my son desperately wanted to get involved in the soccer game but felt too shy to do so - and feeling worried for all the future moments like this one, when I may not be there to help him.

As with many things childrearing, I needn't have spent so much energy worrying. When the coach began leading the group in an activity that involved getting to hop OVER your soccer ball, E's desire to participate knocked his timidity out of the way, and he edged over to the group. I was immensely grateful when the coach made a point to quietly come over to E, say hello, and engage him in the group, which sealed the deal.

For the remaining 20 minutes, E ran and jumped and kicked and dribbled with abandon, and every little while, he would shoot me a huge grin across the gym. At the end of the class, the group of 5 boys + 1 girl all put their hands into a circle for a team cheer, and were adjourned until next week. Throughout our errands and activities the rest of today, E continues to ask when he can go back to soccer! So far, "Next Friday!" has not proven to be an acceptable answer - he wants it to be "Now!" or at the very least, "Tomorrow!" My little E.

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