Christmas Day

What a wonderful day today has been. Far too much awesomeness to fit into nine little squares let me tell you.

LittleA treated us to an unexpected lie-in until twenty-to-eight this morning, then it didn't stop till 9pm when she eventually dropped.

At 9.05 we unleashed TheKraken. Oh. My. Word.

Merry Christmas everyone.

We spent the day just the three of us at home, me mostly on littleA entertainment duty wading through wrapping paper and discarded gift bows, trying my best to get the sky-high tinkerbell/perriwinkle flying fairy thing to work so we could head outside and actually fly the thing whilst ladySp33d cooked up an amazing christmas dinner in relative peace and quiet. Later we headed to my Mum & Dad's for Christmas tea and party games, which was simply ace beyond words.

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