Capital adventures

By marchmont

Just another day

No Watchnight Service for me, but somehow I managed not to get to bed till early on Christmas Morning.

Then I slept in! 7.01 when my eyes looked at the clock, not good when #2 son and me had to be up, dressed and down the road for 7.30! We got there at 7.35, so not too bad.

Then it was a full on day. Luckily it was a lovely day weatherwise, no wind, no rain, cold but clear and sunny (not that I saw much of it). There were already guests waiting at 7 but it was 8 when we opened the doors.

For the next 13+ hours I barely sat down, although I did manage to get a bit of Christmas lunch. And we had so much food! The atmosphere was really good and everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves, guests and volunteers.

My back and legs suffered though. I could feel myself getting stiffer and stiffer and bending down .... So I must get fitter, and lose weight because that is not happening. I feel a NY's resolution coming on.

Although we shut at 8 it took till nearly 8.20 to all the guests on their way.

Then I was on my way with #2 and 3 sons, who were smelling less than fragrant after an incident in the Manor kitchen involving a a pan, a Christmas pudding and a burning hob. It boiled dry with inevitable consequences.

So home to a glass, or two, of Malbec and we finally opened our stockings and presents. I seemed to get most. Candles and trees and a thing for storing jewellery and ear rings and a teacake tea towel and chocolate and ironic Ferrero Rocher, in joke! One present is still on its way. For the boys the key rings went down well!.

Then we relaxed with 'Mrs Brown's Boys' and I 'i playered' the Queen and, by that time on my own, watched 'Call the Midwife'.

It felt like a very good day - we were all so chuffed about how it had gone. the benefit of back blipping is I can report we had 121 guests sign in and there was a wee bit friction on the door late afternoon. And lots of learning points.

In years gone by we used to take loads of photos on Christmas morning - of us in dressing gowns, drinking fizz and watching boys unwrap presents and then of the turkey being carved and the Christmas pudding being set alight. Today I took three and the other two are of Molly the wonder cat playing with her news toys that Santa brought. She's killing the furry toy and running around after the laser light. Amazing! But the best of three is #3 son, beside the tree with a present. Happy Christmas

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