
By Welshgirl

One of my favorite places!

The drive down (or across) from Wales yesterday was quiet and uneventful, with the weather holding out well for me! I spent Boxing Day with my parents, sister and brother, their partners and children having lots to eat and drink and opening lots of presents. This was followed by more drink, games of junior scrabble (which I lost to a ten year old, twice!!) and Frustration (I now know why its called that!) and then a late drunken game of Trivial Pursuit, our Christmas tradition.
A very peaceful and happy sleep later and today we spent the morning sheltering from the weather by watching TV with the kids, and then we went out for a walk around the local lake to play Poo sticks. I took lots of scenery pictures but settled for this one, I love the outline of the kids against the backdrop of one of my favourite places on earth!!!

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