Humungeous waves

Calm and bright after all the weather yesterday, so we headed off to Long Strand for son#1's last day. Although there was little wind the sea was incredible - humunegous waves going off in all directions. We walked the length of the strand, well named, then came back in the dunes. Lots of people were out taking the air - joggers, walkers, dogs, little boys skidding down the dunes. It's a fascinating area - a massive swathe of proper sand and behind a reed strewn lagoon and behind that in the distance the enticing Gothic remains of Castlefreke. How wonderful to be called Lord Freke, yes there was one. Hmm. Lady Amanda Freke - I rather like that!
Refreshment in Rosscarbery and then driving home there were the most amazing clouds - fat grey tubes, wispy dark grey swirls, mushroom shaped pink domes - a spot of weather may be returning, hopefully not before son#1 returns tomorrow. Tonight we're off to see the Secret Life of Walter Mitty. All go.

Ps all travellers from yesterday safely home,thanks for your good wishes.

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