We Can't Be Arsed

Haha sorry about the title but it was me and Pepe's day off today well it's his day off every day but that's how we both felt and as I am a 07:20 start on Sunday I just did a little housework whilst Sandra was away slogging it down to Birmingham and back so after popping down to the bank quickly it was back to the house to make home made soup I had kept the large chicken carcass and left over chicken and put it in my big soup pot along with carrots, celery, chunks of tattie, rice, sweetcorn and a few wee pieces of pasta so I first strained the soup of bones and grizzle then added some pepper and slowly cooked it for a couple of hours and it tastes braw and it will come in handy for taking to work over the next few days I do like my soups, I wonder if I could create my own celebrity train driver cookery show lol haha and I have a hankering to make a clotted cream vanilla rice pudding as well mmmmm ohh I'm making myself hungry, now then where was I ahh yes todays blip is of his master Pepe lounging in his christmas present of a extendable tube with hanging ball as soon as we sprinkle some catnip inside the tube and put it down for him he dives in to lick the catnip and then it drives him wild ohh maybe I should try it lol anyway after a while of fighting himself in his tube he lays down all exhausted and I managed to get this shot of him all relaxed and I felt the same as it was a little hectic over christmas basically driving my mum and kids over christmas and boxing day but worth it all the same and not sitting my butt down so today was that day for chilling out with a couple of cans of Belhaven Best in the afternoon as I won't take anything in the evening when on dayshifts then just tea at night so that was me and Pepe's day so not much else to report so I will give you my movie for the day and it is "Catnapped 1995" Pepe looks good LARGE as well See Ya

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