Summer Heat

How do you photograph the heat of a steamy summers day successfully? If I lived in an area of snowy winters days, I could take a photo of the snowflakes dripping daintily off the edge of snow laden pine needles, and you would all comment "it must be very cold there today...."

It's a puzzle that I have often pondered, yet I have not as yet come up with a satisfactory photo which successfully invites the comment "it looks like a very hot day there today....", so you will just have to take my word for it. It was so hot today that I felt obliged to sit on my couch in front of two open windows for most of the afternoon, reading. Lack of movement helps to keep the body cool, I have discovered. So does looking at photos of snow laden pine trees, so if you see any, please point me in the direction of said photos!

Do frangipani flowers portray the heat? I do hope so, as they are what I am offering today, on one of the hottest summers days I can recall for the last few summers.

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