Tyninghame Sunrise

One of the benefits of being mildly insomniac is that I wake up early in the morning and i the weather is looking good I'll head out to catch the first light of the day. I particularly love to head toward the coast line and shoot the tide although it would appear that the best days seem to coincide with the tide coming in which can mean damp feet as you wait for the light to be 'just right'.

This is my first trip to this beach and I can definitely see a return journey or two. The walk from the car park to the sands was stunning as deer pranced in front of me, owls flew overhead and kestrels hunted for the rodents that had just woken.

I think I really need to think run a seascape workshop as part of my Edinburgh Photography Workshop offering. What could be better than helping people take great shots like this and experiencing such beauty at the start of the day?

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