Before the Rains Came

The dawn this morning was the brightest it has been in weeks I made the most of it and donned my faithful boots and went for a wander over the Langbank footpath heading to the highest point from where I can see our river. The view from the high ground is beautiful on a clear day but sadly the haar was swirling over the water and the glimpses were fleeting.

The rain was not far away and as I watched the grey clods were rolling down the valley and slowly and somewhat reluctantly I turned for home. It was nice to be out again and nice to be alone, not a soul in sight from climbing out of the village to returning to the house.

Once home I settled with my pint of steaming tea, I hadn't managed to shake the sore head but tried to take my mind of things by resuming my job as parts man to Fraser who was engrossed in building a Lego Technic rescue helicopter. He had built all of the gearings for the rotors and winches which I had suspected he may struggle with given he has just turned 9 but sadly it now seems dad is redundant... Ah well they grow so fast I guess.

Today my anticipated shot of the river from the higher ground was not to be and as I wandered back I shot the old dyke and old gates redundant now with deer fencing in place to protect the commercial forestry now covering the hillside. I preferred it in monochrome but you know I like the monochrome!!! I hope you enjoy the shot such as it is

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