
The drama of the past few days is only just beginning to dawn on me and I know I'll feel better if I share it with those Blippers who know me so well. You've lived through many dramas of my life so now I can share one more!
I returned home last Wednesday from a lovely few days spent with Mr and Mrs Daily Post. My daughter rang to say she wasn't too well and had been to the Doctor's. On Friday she took a turn for the worst. I decided that I had to get her into Hospital as an emergency and from then my feet haven't touched the floor. When I arrived at A & E on Friday she collapsed in the car and I had to run in and ask for help. She was 12 hours in A & E, having numerous tests because she had lost all feeling down her right side and was in considerable pain. We still don't know what is wrong as at the week-end the Hospital more or less shuts down! One is not supposed to be ill at a week-end.
When I went to see her this afternoon she was very much better, has taken herself off the morphine, oxygen etc. but still has pain. Tomorrow she , hopefully, will have a scan and maybe.....just maybe , we will find out what's wrong. I'm not optimistic.
Don't the medical authorities realise what we go through? She has a husband who is losing work, three children who are without their loving Mum and a mother and mother-in- law who are so worried.
However, on the bright side...... my wonderful neighbour, who has enough troubles of her own, brought me the most wonderful roast dinner tonight and along with a bottle of red, I'm feeling less tired, but a little angry. Let's hope tomorrow brings better news.
Sorry..................but I had to let off steam. Thanks for listening and sorry for not keeping in touch. I'll be fully back soon, I hope! x

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