
By Grandmama

Knocked clean off my feet!

I arrived home from my Digital Scrapbooking Course today to find a parcel waiting for me from Australia! For those of you who have been following the saga of 'My Angle' and the socks you will guess what the parcel contained. Thank you, M & J, for the generous gift of soap and the bookmarks. Your communication has cheered me no end after the traumatic week I've just gone through. I shall really love testing the different soaps ( love the scent of the lavender) and I will definitely use the bookmarks, as I read a lot. The scenes are SO Australian.Pleased to hear your socks are proving useful in the cold spell. I'll try and add to that pair, once Christmas is over!
Take care, and thanks once again.

My daughter is home from Hospital - still in considerable pain, but we are hoping the diagnosis is correct. The Doctors think that her spine and pelvis are totally out of line since the birth if her baby last year and Physiotherapy is the answer. We'll see! Might be able to go on holiday in 3 weeks time after all as it's an exciting one and we were all looking forward to it so much.

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