
By rjkerrison

Matilda Feeds

Matilda, Martha and Minnie turned up one weekend – I think I'd been away, perhaps in London – a few years ago. Matilda managed to kill a pigeon with brute force within a week, or possibly talked the pigeon into flying into a window; I'm still not sure. A year or so later Mika and Misty joined the group.

Martha sadly passed away around Easter this year and Misty had ran behind me when I took this shot. In the foreground on the plinth is Matilda and Minnie pecks away in the distance. The blurry head of a curious Mika is on the right.

I like the chickens. They're amusing with their habits and personalities and they lay delicious eggs. If you'd like to remind yourself of how tasty eggs can look... may I divert your attention to the 11th December?

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