Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Scabious flower essence helps one to feel and develop more sensitivity to subtle energies. Some people are happy to live a life that consists of experiences they can prove and quantify. They believe we are purely physical beings living a three dimensional life.

Other people seek a connection to more subtle realms that can't be measured or understood by science - fairies, angels, nature spirits and spirit guides. If you are someone who longs to connect to these realms then scabious flower essence will help create a bridge between you and the subtle energies of other beings.

I have to confess I have never prescribed this flower essence. Many of the essences I work with are for everyday problems and angst that everyone can relate to. This is rather more specialist so I don't expect a huge response from people saying 'That is SO ME, I really need that'. I think it would be a lovely one to take at Hallowe'en when the veil between our world and the spirit world is meant to be lifted, making it easier to connect with fairies, angels and all manner of subtle spiritual energies.

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