Going for the Flag

Well then:
We have been doing this for 2 years non stop.
The Boss has never had so much fun with photography.
We have met and made friends with some wonderful folk.
Our household almost revolves around Blip and we all love it.
I have barked myself hoarse on occasions and love it.

Blipfoto is truly unique….Nothing comes close….Nothing.
Er…Well maybe …Grub?

To all Blippers that I have met ….WOOFS
To all Blippers that I have yet to meet…WOOFS
To all my special friends…WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF
To the wonderful folk at Blip Central and Raquel. 10x WOOFS
WOW It’s noisy!

Oh and altho this is a "finish" flag we are NOT finished...OK?

Now can I have the Bloody stick!!!!!

Huff huff huff


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