Winter woollies

Today was wet, windy & 'orrible, so not biking weather.

Instead we ventured out to the bike shops to see if we could find boots for Mr A & gloves for me.
Mr A bagged a bargain pair of boots; we aren't sure if they were just priced up wrong (they weren't on sale) but he was charged £15 less than the marked price on the shelf. Needless to say, we paid and left. Pronto!

I decided to wrap up in my new hat & jumper; hand knitted by my Stepmum as part of my Christmas present. It's soooooooo warm. Mr A said it knocked 10 years off me I'm sure that was just after he pulled the hat down over my face ! If that's the case, sod the Botox and get me more bobble hats!

*Footnote: I've never had botox. And it's the jumper that's chunky, not me though I have had a good Xmas !

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