Blazing Bokeh

It must have been the most dismal, grey day I can ever remember today... Probably like most people who went back to work today, I could have done with a few more hours in bed, maybe a few more days in bed, but it wasn't to be, and at least I didn't feel like I was missing out on a gorgeous crisp Winter day while I was sat at my desk!

If you had the day off and planned something outdoorsy, I hope you managed to do something worthwhile! Or just lazed :o) The New Year Resolutions to get fit and stop eating cake don't start for a few more hours!

We have a long weekend in the Lakes planned soon, and desperately hope for a bit of decent clear, frosty weather. I want to walk and get a bit of fitness back!

I got a lovely shirt for Christmas that would have fit me 380 days ago...

No chance of an outdoor photo today. Not even a rainbow.

So here's a bit of Blazing Christmas Bokeh :o)

Thanks for the love for the House yesterday - very much appreciated! There have been many blip birthdays lately and I think there'll be many to come over the next few days as people complete their first year! I hope to try and drop in but I may be late - there have already been many this past month or so that I haven't had a chance to comment on but I am trying to catch up. It may be something I can enjoy doing on Wednesday!

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