The hay bales are missing

Knowing that I wanted to photograph golden hay bales on a golden field, Teacherlady went on a hunt for me before I got here. And she found the perfect scene. Even had an old falling down sod cottage with a rusting corrugated iron roof.

Just a pity that the stole the hay today. By the time we got there they'd picked it all up and laid it out in boring lines along the fence line. Well darn!

Still, I think I've managed an iconic Australian scene here even if the bales are missing.

We took a drive to Ballarat today - somewhere new for me. Had lunch at the great Beechworth bakery. Cauliflower, Broccoli and cheese sauce pie. Divine!

Fireworks out over the sea tonight so I'm off out to try and find a good spot to photograph them from - along with every other photographer in Geelong.

have a SAFE New Year's Eve folks. Remember, don't drink and drive!!

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