From the old to the new

Another day of chores!

1) Pack boxes
2) Write an article for a magazine and do some admin
3) Have breakfast
4) Pack boxes and load car
5) Take car load to new house and unload
6) Return home and pack boxes
7) Lunch
8) Pack more boxes

9) Go for a bit of fresh air and a blip walk - Mum's blip here.

10) Shopping - amazing what bits and pieces you need when you move
11) Return home and load car
12) Go to new house and unload
13) Cook tea
14) Probably pack even more boxes!
15) Another game of cards - we've enjoyed our games each evening this week
16) See in the New Year!

I've blipped this boardwalk before. One was at the start of my blip journey when I asked the question "where is this leading?". I thought it was appropriate again for today, leading from the old year into the new. Who knows what's in store for us all. For me it will certainly be a year of change and challenge.

Hope you all enjoy the New Year Celebrations this evening.

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