Lazy guitar blip

Couple of nice things since last night were to do with the sky. It has been very rainy these days, but as I was on balcony on the phone yesterday, I suddenly saw I was casting a shadow, and a rather strong one too. I instantly looked up to see an almost full moon playing hide and seek behind the clouds.

And today, as the day ended, a part of the sky cleared up completely, and slanting rays of the late afternoon sun felt strong after the heavy showers. I squinted as it lit up parts of the blue evening sky with a shade of beautiful orange while dark greys chased the light from the other side. It was a fine way for evening to arrive.

A couple of unexpected nice gestures to end the day, after the most uninspiring speech from a man with the perfect Roman nose and a hawk-like face. He would have made a great silhouette shot.

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