Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Misty again

Looks like there will be a few blips of Misty over the coming days :)

She's starting to settle in but can you believe that she didn't relieve herself until 9.30 this morning so she'd gone for nearly 24 hours and yet she drank loads!! I was walking her around the village in the early hours as well, honestly the things you do for dogs! She hasn't done a wee since either, hopefully that will rectify itself soon. She really does not like the car, so this afternoon I just sat on the back seat with her for a long time as she has got to get used to it. She does have a playful side to her which is good but she has no idea about balls and toys yet.

Anyhow this morning my neighbour came with me in the car to the marsh and we had a lovely walk with Misty doing lots of running. She spotted a dog coming towards us and started to panic so had to put her back on the lead, so this is something else I'll need to work on with her in time. She was absolutely fine walking with my neighbour's dog. So today's blip is of Misty running to me :)

Wishing everybody a Happy 2014 :):) and hope there aren't too many sore heads around from last night's celebrations!

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