Start As you Mean To Go On

The Dunbar Dip! There was a huge turnout, both spectators and Dippers, at Dunbar East Beach today. I threw a chicken in the oven for lunch, wetsuited the children, packed the bike with towels and warm clothes and set off at 11AM for the 12 noon Dip.

This is me and my eldest, Duncan, during our brief Dip. Our friend Gail took my camera for the shot - thanks! The Lifeboat crew were on hand in their drysuits "just in case" - and, I suspect, to avoid having to get in the water with less kit on!

I hammered a windbreak into the beach to get the little ones changed - our experience of swimming in the North Sea tells me that's essential! A nippy "official" promptly came to tell me I couldn't do that - I informed the nippy official that I certainly bloody could! "Suit yourself," said the nasty cow, stalking off. "I'm not suiting myself, I'm looking after my children." The Lifeboat crew came by later as I was towelling down Katie and roared, grinning (the Lifeboat crew always roar, and usually grin), "That's the best idea of the year! Of the YEAR?! Geddit?! HAHAHAHA!" and then went off to the pub - all of which cheered me up enormously :)

Then this afternoon my lovely friend Sally came for a late (and very large!) lunch with the children and me. We had a fabulous time, I've not laughed so much for ages! Relaxed, warm, uncritical, joyous. It felt just like family should...

What a fabulous day.

Here's to 2014!

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