You'll Never Walk Alone!

Today is a new day, a new year for many a new beginning. For those who pass by I wish you peace and love, health and happiness for this forthcoming year.

I managed to escape for just a little while, a little solace, a walk by our river. What a difference a day makes, the new year brought a return of the torrential rain and there was little to shoot whilst I braced myself against the wind and rain. I was resigned to a shot of the twins or the family to start the year when I saw a solitary walker coming towards as I strode to the car. They were kitted out in full waterproofs, boots and were intent to be out just like me I guess. It reminded me of a line by Billy Connelly, "when you are in Scotland and you don't like the weather just wait 15 minutes", sadly The Big Yin has been a little off target as the rain has hardly ceased for weeks now except for a period yesterday when we saw a little glimpse of winter sun but where he was spot on was when he said, " You know, there is no such thing as bad weather... Only the wrong clothes" I'm with Billy, I don't mind being out as long as I have the right clothes on!!

So as I passed this kindred spirit today we exchanged a greeting a smile and a New Year wish, its a West of Scotland thing, we are comfortable speaking to random strangers and they to us. We passed on I suspect both the better for a little bracing sea air and took our leave.

I hope you have all had a good day and that you enjoy the shot, not much I know but a random stranger framed by the trees but in monochrome I kind of like it.

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