
The modern way.

One sits texting 'other' friends whilst her mate concentrates on putting on her makeup. Then they part ways having had a great 'catch-up' over coffee.

We went in to Melbourne this morning. Caught up with Mr Rosewarne, MsMun and their lovely off-spring over breakfast. We DID talk (a lot) as opposed to the two girls behind our table - well spotted Mr R. It was lovely to meet again and discuss everything from music to education and photography.

After breakfast Teacherlady and I headed off to give the shops a bit of a hiding. I did a lot of window shopping - including at the most amazing cafe/cake shop - it was a fight with myself but I didn't go in for a ginger and lemon torte - mostly because the place was so popular that the queue to get in snaked around the corner.

I looked in every shoe shop I came across but didn't feel inspired to buy anything - until 5.15 when Teacherlady let me look in yet another one. Finally! I found 'my' type of shoes - to the extent that I tried on at least a dozen and kept the poor girl from closing the shop at closing time (5.30). However I did leave with 3 pairs of shoes - and each one of them is gorgeous and 'just right'. Teacherlady bought a pair too so it wasn't just me being naughty!

This did mean that we missed the handbag shop and the scarf shop so we may have to go back...

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