Sao Silvestre Race

Last day of the year! Woke up incredibly early to go see the Sao Silvestre road race that’s been taking place in Sao Paolo for the last 89 years, on the last day of the year. It’s 15 km (not quite a marathon) and goes through the main centre of town. It’s incredible seeing the streets of the city deserted, with most people at the beach. But around the marathon, it’s bustling and the atmosphere is lively. The dude in the photo was chilling by the final corner, one of the many quirky people who dressed up for the occasion.
Ambre and me met up with Alexandre and his friend Japanese (that’s his nickname!), who were both running. During the race, we went to get some pains au chocolat at a “french” bakery and then watched the arrivals, great fun!
Then we met back up with them, took the metro back and chilled at home for the rest of the day, napping and working. At 8pm, Alexandre came to pick us up for New Year’s Eve at his house.

You have the best New Year's Eve when you're not expecting anything in particular! Ambre and me went to Alexandre's family's flat to spend the new year Brazilian style. There were 12 of us, most from the family. The meal was enormous and excellent, as was desert (including a tarte tatin prepared by Ambre), plus champagne, wine and all sorts of other drinks, including a special cachaca made to taste like Amarulla, and coconut with grape juice, delicious. Had the traditional pomegranate and seven grapes at NY, while fireworks were set off all over the city (we could hear them for at least an hour). We got what could have almost been considered a private fireworks show from the balcony as well! I tried a drink they have here which they describe as beer mixed with wine. That confused me, but I guess it's more like grapey beer. It's quite good. All in all, I'm not sure, but I think we spent about four hours at there's. A great way to spend NY in a foreign land. By the end, I was "tired, full and happy!"

Classic resolution: "In 2014, I'm gonna finish what I started in 2013"


So, looking back on my blip a year ago, I realize I was writing a lot less. Blip hadn't taken on it's current form of immortalizing memories as it does now. In fact, it was probably more about the photography then. I see no reason to change anything I'm doing though, so let's keep going!
2013 has been a crazy year! Similar to last year, I’ll throw out a couple highlights off the top of my head:
- Two weeks spent instructing in Marseillan, what an exciting and ridiculous fortnight that was! Not to forget getting my head caved in earlier in the year sailing!
- Team Colin's adventures in Uganda, BOY! (why did we never take a group photo??)
- Great weeks spent reuniting with CH and BCN.
- A couple classic nights at uni: here, here, here and here, AND celebrating my 21st in January and July!
- Joining the surf club, meeting so many cool people and starting to conquer a new sport! HOONAY.
- Shout out to my best bros, you know who you are. It's all about Fort life, Classic Longtail, Winning Squadron. Peace and love.
- And now BRAZIL! It's not over!

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