ASDA is coming!

Today I went for my afternoon walk at Hayle. I quite like Hayle because there's lots of different places for me to play.

Hayle is just at the start of a regeneration programme and by December there will be a brand new ASDA on the site behind me.

Ann loves ASDA! The nearest ASDA to us at the moment is in Penryn which is almost an hours drive away. Hayle is only about 6 miles away so when ASDA is built it will be 'Hello Hayle Asda. Hello Penzance Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Tesco's. Goodbye St Ives Tesco's.' When we have a choice of supermarkets we won't be requiring your services any more, because we are fed up of shopping in a supermarket that never has it's shelves stocked up!!!!

................And as a gorgeous little collie dog, I will be quite happy to go to ASDA with Ann and sit in the car and wait......................... because I know that when Ann has finished shopping I'll get taken to Hayle Beach or the dunes or the estuary, or Porth Kidney Sands or St Erth River, or any number of exciting doggie places nearby.

ASDA is coming. Yay!!!

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