Back to work

Here in Bavaria little happens workwise until 7th January as the 6th is also a holiday. Many therefore have a 17 day break and just need to take 4 days from their holiday entitlement.

For us pensioners it was back to the chopping board to make a few bundles of wood to feed the open fire and prevent the ice forming on the inside of the house windows!

Angie again behind the camera - this is getting to be a habit. The white spots on the other side of the fence are snow - the ground is still frozen, must be over 5 weeks. The white stuff in the foreground is sawdust which if my forestry tutor (Sepp a.k.a Bobby Ort) could see would cause him a heart attack. "Get your chain sharpened, your supposed to be cutting wood not producing wood flour!"

For all those who don't need to chop kindling and are due to spend Friday whizzing around the M25 or catching the 7:03 from Petersfield to Waterloo, hope you have a great day.

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