wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Blips or boots?

Yay it is my 100!
I have skipped a few days in there. I am resolved to do one every day this year.
Ok so I am a bit embarrassed. I didn't use all of my boots. Seriously. There are at least 4!other pair. Now the boots started harmlessly enough. However when you get one pair of colored ones the realization hits you. OMG there are more out there. My eyes literally glaze over, my pulse races......I.....can't .......breathe.....
My husband says that when I wear my boots I have attitude. Let me let you in on a secret, I don't need the boots to have attitude.

I gave away 6 pair last year.and bought 2 shhhhh
They are amazingly comfortable and a bit hard to find in Maine. I can sing for a 4 hour gig (like this Saturday) and be ok.
I used to be the only one that wore them around the hospital. It used to be: you know Susan she's the one with the cowboy boots. Now other people wear them. I want to trip them when they walk down the hall I am pleased that I have started a trend.

Thanks for all the get well vibes. I am starting to feel better. Since I have 2 gigs this weekend. I have to be better.

By the way we have just been upgraded to a blizzard. It is 2 freakin below. We will get about a foot of snow. You know that song Let it Snow? written by some poor bastard with no friends I am sure I don't like it.

As I have said before, you are a wonderful bunch of people. I am so proud and happy to be with you all!

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