wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Last Minute blip

I am hoping this is the last couple of days with this cold. You know there is nothing more inelegant than a person with a cold.
Let me explain something. In real life I am kind of a klutz. I have never had a good hair day, and trust me having a cold is not helping me on any front.
However, there is never a dull moment with me and I laugh. A lot.

That being said, this is the fringe on the lamp next to my bed. Seriously. Tonight that is a good as it gets.

8 to 10 inches of new snow to fall tomorrow. Be jealous people.

And I broke out the mink coat today. A friend of mine gave me this mink a few years ago. Full length black. It was a man's coat. I swim in it and it is warm. It was 2 below zero this morning. After Fluffiken's awful incident with the mink killing almost all of her birds, I did not feel bad putting it on. Minks are nasty little bastards. Besides it was freezing.

So tomorrow is my 100 and I have been planning it for a week!!!!
Stay safe and warm friends!!!!!

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