
By woofcity

Handsome Storm

More winter weather today. We've had gale force winds, thunder, lightning, hailstones and sunshine. We managed to get out this morning between rain showers to walk round Shinewater lake. Fortunately it's a long enough walk to suffice as the only walk of the day. The path round had deep puddles in places which didn't bother the puppies a bit. They marched through up to their knees without a second thought. I'd go as far to say they enjoyed having a paddle.

The girls were funny last night. They had been put to bed when Storm made an attempt to hump one of them. There was an anonymous growl and by the time we were off the sofa expecting to break up a fight Storm was cowering in his basket being stared at by his sisters. He looked like he'd rather be anywhere else than ganged up on by them. Still a doggy calm between them and noticeably less attempted humping. My babies are growing up :)

As you can see, he's back on full form today

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