just allan

By allan

Watered Doon

A watery sunrise above Doon Hill, East Lothian, with Fast Castle on the Northumbria coast to the east and left.

I rode up and into the south-westerly wind first thing just in time to catch this scene. With the weather forecast to deteriorate and children with me for the week I was glad to get the exercise and space. I deviated my intended route a bit to avoid going farther west - the wind was getting a bit much! The ride recorded on Strava has a calculated 735 calories but Strava doesn't know about the wind - or the mud! It was like cycling through wet, setting concrete!

Still, lovely to be out as ever. Before I had even left the village I saw a red-breasted merganser, little egret and grey heron on the Biel Burn. Farther up the hills I was joined by 3 roe deer which followed my route along the valley between the Spott to Halls farms, eventually bursting out of the trees and across the farm road right in front of me. Lovely! I was glad to not see any cows in that valley - they can be a menace!

Home to hose down the bike, and hose down me. You couldn't tell what colour my trousers were under all the mud :)

Late in the day I met a neighbour in the shop and recommended the Forecast App for local weather - I was expecting a really wet end to the day. Of course having recommended it, the weather was completely different and the day ended in glorious sunshine. Can't complain though eh?!

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