
We had some boring shopping to do in Kingston today but managed to fit it in before seeing The Harry Hill Movie.

We are all very big Harry Hill fans but the movie wasn't very good. Not funny enough. Not unfunny, , just not funny. Not bad jokes, not enough jokes. I've loved Harry Hill for years and years and was actually surprised he could come up with something so dull.

When we got home, despite the fact that the rain was near-torrential, I fulfilled my promise to Betsy with a bike ride to the park. We even took sandwiches and a flask. We got totally soaked! But the rain stopped after about a mile and we were rewarded with a beautiful rainbow.

Betsy loves being outdoors and active whatever the weather and the look on her face, laughing in the rain makes any conditions bearable. I spent the next three hours on the sofa under a blanket though, desperate to get warm again!

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