Come Rain or Shine

By Ceb1977

Week 1 : A View for All Seasons

A couple of years ago, I completed a 365 photography project. It was hard work capturing a unique picture each day whilst juggling home and work life. Whilst rewarding and, ultimately improving my photography, it's not something I can imagine ever embarking upon again.

However, the yearning to undertake a fresh project in 2014 is strong and I reckon capturing one shot a week is far more achieveable. So, in amongst all the other photography I'll get involved in this year and which I'll endeavour to share a little of with you, I've decided to pick a location and take the same shot once a week across the whole year in order to see how the view changes across seasons and in different weather. I'm hoping it will be an interesting and somewhat revealing exercise.

So ..... this is Week One!

I've spent the morning scouting out the right location for me - a location that's close enough to home to enable me to get out there on a weekly basis and with enough interest within the frame to capture the changing colours, the mood of the sky and its effect on the surrounding architecture as well as the human aspect.

And here we are ..... in Tickhill, South Yorkshire ... a favourite spot of mine!

I hope you enjoy the changing view. See you next week!

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