Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Blippers Anonymous

Thanks to corinthian for organising a Blip meet in Greenhead Park today!

Left to right - Mr Dots Snaps!, Robert10, Dots Snaps!, Airedaleknitter, ValC, me, corinthian, jeanneb53 Mrs MidgeholeDave - AKA Beryl, MidgeholeDave and Polly. I am not sure where Wendles56 was hiding for this shot!! And thank you to R (Mr corinthian) for taking it.

We had a lovely walk around the park followed by tea and cake in the conservatory. Nice to meet a couple of familiar Blippers, some new ones (to me!) and at least one whom I have been missing by 5 minutes around Huddersfield at regular intervals over the last 6 months or so.

Alternative shot (which does feature Wendles56) here. (We are all being very respectful of the war memorial and not at all silly).

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