A Pretzel Quiz

A couple weeks before Christmas, our grandson Merrick (age 3) was over, and my wife was making her chocolate pretzels. A Hershey kiss on a pretzel, a few minutes in a warm oven, then topped off with an M & M. Then...let them cool before serving. I thought I would give Merrick a (grand)pop quiz on the pretzels.

ME: "What's this?"

HIM: "It's a Christmas tree."

ME: "Right you are...Buddy boy. OK...what's this one?"

HIM: "That's a star."

ME: "Right again." I thought SURE I would fool him with the last shape. "OK Smarty-pants...what's this one?"


ME: "HA ha ha ha ha!!!"

Oh...these kids today. Back in my day...we had one choice. McDonalds or nothing. And...there weren't 50 things to pick from. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, french fries, drinks, and shakes. That's it. 15 cents for a burger...12 cents for the fry. Back when they told you on their sign how many millions of burgers they had served.

This was LONG before the scary king showed up for Burger King, LONG before anybody thought of making a run for the border, a Subway was something you rode in New York, the KFC chickens hadn't yet crossed the road, and Wendy was just a gleam in the eye of Dave Thomas.

That's what I wanted to rant at Merrick, but I didn't think that he would understand. So...I held it in...saving it for another day...for another time.

Don't put it into LARGE. I had to perform photo-shop surgery on the bell...since I couldn't find one that wasn't broken.

You know what kind of guy it takes to tell a pretzel story? (He has to be slightly twisted....and maybe a little salty around the edges.) Ha-ha. Nothing like a salty snack crack.

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