Climbing the Ladder of Snow-cess

What a day. 13-18 inches of snow. 3 trips outside to either shovel or snow-blow. Snow so deep that my small snow blower won't push it, and even if it could...I got no place to put it anyway. 50 people at church, instead of 125-150. 12-15 people at the gym. The birds emptied my bird feeder...twice..., and my dogs refuse to go outside.

I got this 7 foot ladder for a dollar at a garage sale. I was thinking I'd set it up against my fence...and put 2-3 birdhouses on the top 2-3 steps. the meantime...I'm going to set a wood tray on the top rung, and put bird snacks up there. Peanuts and such. Then, I can shoot my camera out of my 2 back bedroom the birdies and rodents congregate.

I just hope the animals can't read. "Cause...if they can...they would know that they aren't supposed to be standing on the top step. (It's dangerous.)

Over my shoulder...
the snow I did slung.
This shoveling stuff...
should be done by the young.

If you look real close...
new suet is hung.
And, tomorrow morning...
I'll have to clear the rungs.

Hope to catch up on the morrow. Way behind. Too much of the white stuff.

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